A message from our Director

To our Auctus grad Community,

COVID-19 is changing everything about life and work as we know it. We’re all focused on how to best protect and support our families, employees, customers and communities in the face of this unfolding crisis. On behalf of the Auctus grad team, I want to let you know that our thoughts are with those who are affected.

All of us at Auctus grad are focused on enabling our clients to be productive and collaborative during this challenging time.

Ensuring continuity of service

We recognise the critical role our technology plays in your creative pursuits and business success. I’d like to assure you that all our services remain fully operational. This ensures our ability to continue to serve your needs.

Auctus grad is here to support you during these unprecedented times.

Above all, stay safe and healthy. 

Morgan Lionel.

Company Notice: COVID-19 statement

Valued Auctus Grad Clients and Partners,

Our top priority is to support you. Some of you are facing the challenges of operating a business through an unprecedented shutdown. The impacts of coronavirus on our everyday lives has become even greater. None of us could have foreseen the scenarios we are now facing together. And my first thoughts are for your wellbeing and that of your loved ones. As we continue to navigate the changing tides posed by this pandemic, our priorities remain the same. 

The challenge we face is real but there’s a lot we can do to help each other. I want to reassure you that we’re making changes to what we’re doing based on what you have been telling us. We are helping both our clients and partners manage as we continue to adapt to this challenge.

Service continuation

Though work environments have changed, our commitment to your business remains the same. Work that can be carried on remotely will be done. Please get in touch with respective project leads and they will be able to give you further details on what work can be carried out remotely and what will have to be postponed.  

We are actively implementing our response to this situation while operating in an environment of considerable uncertainty. I know that you might have questions about how this situation will affect you. As the situation evolves, we’ll be in touch directly with further updates.

We have also created free 30min sessions for the next 5 months where you can be in touch with Project leads to discuss any questions, concerns or updates.

Many of you have already reached out to ask a question, brainstorm an idea, or inquire if Auctus grad has an action plan. We are honoured by the outreach, and we are happy to help in any way we can. Even when we can’t be together in person, we will continue to reach out through our digital channels. You are our friends, and we are here to help.

We are all in this together.

Yours sincerely

Morgan Lionel,

Operations Director.

TEDx Coventry 2020 great success

Amazing speakers, performers and the team of volunteers delivered a memorable TEDx Coventry event. Talks covered topics from creativity, employment, dyslexia, feeling safe and education. The audience also experienced a range of different performances from dancing, to spoken word and even a little magic.

Auctus Grad was proud to partner with TEDx Coventry and work with their team to deliver this year’s 2020 event. “It was lovely to see a cumulation of planning come together, the quality of speakers was evident from the inspiring talks they delivered”. (Auctus grad Co-founder)